Sunday 26 June 2011

This is My First Entry.

macam la orang tak boleh tahu ni first entry dia kan. but this is not my first time blogging.
well, i'll blog most about my personal life. specifically about me, who has gone through countless of heartbreaks, but now is loving a playboy. complicated much?

in my case, since he's a college-mate tiap hari jumpa,  so tak heran lah sangat dia hot mcm mana pun. aku memang tak pernah terdetik rasa nak jatuh suka kat dia. sebab cantik-cantik mana pun benda tu kalau selalu tengok jadi benda biasa yang tak memberi apa-apa impact juga kan? but that was before.

before he started texting me. bukan nya sebelum ni dia tak pernah text, just mesej dia on that day was so different. and that was when it all started.

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